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Title :Way Out and Still Doomed (all 9 missions)
Author :Jonathan K. L. Wood
Email Address :(I couldn't tell you for the life of me)
Misc. Author Info :postal mailing adress:
360 River Bend
Riverside, AL 35135
phone (205) 338-6839
Description :These are all the missions in an all-new
Episode 1, called "Way Out and Still Doomed"--
the mission titles, respectively, are:
M1: "Foreward Hold" (f-hold.wad)
M2: "Toxin Base" (t-base.wad)
M3: "Power Plant" (p-plant.wad)
M9: "THE ARMORY" (armory.wad)
M4: "Operations" (ops.wad)
M5: "Way Station" (station.wad)
M6: "Demonic Divide" (divide.wad)
M7: "Ritual Dens" (r-dens.wad)
M8: "The Palace" (palace.wad)
The Storyline for the episode is given below.
Additional Credits to :First and Foremost, the creators of DOOM,
id Software's 3D-madmen, to all of whom go the
credit for allowing us DOOMERS the pleasure of
frying demonic butt. Credit also to the creators
of DEU, which was the only program used to create
these new DOOM adventures.
I must also give my special thanks to Bob Burruss,
who was kind enough to help me out of a zip-jam,
thus enabling me to do anything with all the
zipped files I had downloaded from Software
Creations' BBS--Thanks again, Bob!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # :"Foreward Hold" (f-hold.wad) =E1M1
"Toxin Base" (t-base.wad) =E1M2
"Power Plant" (p-plant.wad) =E1M3
"THE ARMORY" (armory.wad) =E1M9
"Operations" (ops.wad) =E1M4
"Way Station" (station.wad) =E1M5
"Demonic Divide" (divide.wad) =E1M6
"Ritual Dens" (r-dens.wad) =E1M7
"The Palace" (palace.wad) =E1M8
Single Player :Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player :Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player :Yes
Difficulty Settings :Yes
TO RUN WITH NEW DEMO :simply type "ALL-E1" at your DOOM prompt
* Construction *
Base :New Level
Build Time :the total build time for the episode comes out to
just over 120 hours or so; I think the end product
is easily worth six days' work....
Editors used :DEU v5.21 ('nuff said!)
Known Bugs : I must sadly relate that there are still some
"INVISIBLE" wall sections on the circular maze
in E!M@, the Toxin Base; these, I believe, are
caused by the placement of vertices and the
proximity of line definitions. I would love to
expand the maze until the walls were thick enough
to wipe-out this problem, but it's already vastly
bigger than its original design!
The only other bug I known of is on E1M5, the
Way Station, in the large southern courtyard--and
that's really a bother to me, because that's one of
my favorite areas in the whole episode! There are
simply too many 2-sided linedefs involved, and the
effect is a "feedback" occuring in the sky; this
I have only seen at either extreme end of the area.
I believe they rest are all cleared-up, although
some of the former humans in The Palace have some
of the best hearing I've ever encountered. That
level, by the way, is not completed, but I have
pushed my puny 386SX33 to the max trying to get
anything else into it, and what you have now seems
to be the extent of it. Perhaps, when I buy a new
486--which is required to play DOOM 2--I'll be able
to squeeze in the last few missing sections of the
level; if you see !PALACE!.ZIP on id's BBS, that's
what it is.
As a trivia bit, the exit at the episode's
end was not supposed to exist--the level was first
designed to end when you finished killing the big
baddies, but that only works on mission 8 of the
second and third episodes. You can imagine my
confusion when, as I first playtested the final
area, I droppped the last enemy,...and nothing
*Copyrights / Permissions *
In the spirit of shareware which id Software promoted with the first DOOM
episode, let these levels be played and warped at will by those who have
such urges. (Of course, in my arrogance, I think they're fine like they
are, but to each his happy own.)
First, you slugged it out on Mars' two moons, then kicked demonic
but in Inferno, only to return to a demon-ridden Earth (this story is meant
to take place AFTER Hell on Earth--do forgive any discrepancies that may
arise once we all get to see what the much-anticipated DOOM sequel really
is all about. Anyway,...) Everybody knows that you can never get rid of
evil, and to prove that point, evil has made itself a new comfy little home
on Io, a cozy rock that calls itself a satelite of Saturn. In the interests
of survival, humanity sends out a fleet of ships, each packed with military
men from the world's strongest nations; the preemptive strike, if all goes
well, will keep the demonic forces away from Earth long enough to regroup
for a better defensive posture.
You spent the weeks of space travel giving lecture after lecture to the
others, translators communicating your graphic descriptions to the various
troops from other countries. Despite your battle scars and detailed info,
some of the boys just didn't believe you (hadn't they seen it first hand back
home?), while others did believe, and shivered. The others who had fought
on Earth and lived to join the Saturn-bound fleet were few indeed, and they
tried to help you snap the unbelievers back to reality, but rumors began to
fly that you and the other vets were just plain nuts.
Finally, the hour was at hand, and thousands of hands went to work,
putting on armor, loading and readying weaponry, checking communication
systems,... But disaster had followed you like a demon through a gate (oops!
I know that's a sore spot.) Minutes before the first fleetship landed, the
chaos broke out, apparently started by a few dozen troopers who were either
already possessed (in which case they hid it all too well,) or--the more
likely story--were traitors to the rest of you, traitors to goodness and
life and all mankind, hoping for some "higher station" in the dark hereafter.
The battles exploded everywhere before you could really get your bearing on
the situation, and by then it was too late; former humans (possessed or not)
had taken a few of the fleetships, and the battle now was in the stars.
Like creamer gone bad, these guys screwed it all up; the fleetships were
blowing up like a string of firecrackers. You desperately tried to order
men out of the landing areas and onto the bridge in the hopes of keeping at
least YOUR ship from being taken, but the next thing you new, you were
crash landing.
The next few hours were the bloodiest you'd seen in...well,
not that long, really, but bloody enough. Traitors and comrades alike lay
around the crash site, their blood steaming in the freezing atmosphere of
Io. When the last of the gunsmoke cleared, you were alone among the bodies,
Kneedeep in the Dead yet again. Attempts at contacting the other fleetships
brought only static--if there was anyone left alive up there, they weren't
anyone you wanted too see. Suddenly a thought struck you--"Now what?"
NOW . . .
The math was pretty simple: butt-kickin' time. As your rotten luck would
have it, the only functional weapon you could scrounge from the wreckage was
your trusty sidearm, and only fifty rounds or so hadn't been plugged into
the bodies already surrounding you. Wearing a grim face and wanting one more
cup of coffee before you moved on, you scanned the horizin. To the north,
the shape of a small installation caught your eye. As you approached, you
noticed a couple of the fleetships--undamaged in landing--parked to the west.
Could it be?--was it possible that you wouldn't have to do this alone? As
you stepped into the Foreward Hold, you saw your answer....
Your buddies were all either dead or converted to the demonic Way, leaving
you the only guy left on your team. As you battled through the Foreward Hold
and the Toxin Base, you started to pick up pieces of a puzzle that has had
your head spinning for an answer: since the mighty U.A.C. did not originally
have a base out here, how did they get here? And why? It was obvious why
the forces of Hell had gathered here; it was easily defendable and gave them
a pretty safe "foothold" in the solar system--from there, they could soon
take the rest. But why was U.A.C. here? With more pressing problems to
weigh on your mind, you blasted through the Power Plant and moved on, hoping
you could find enough puzzle pieces along the way to figure out some means
of putting an end to the demonic advance here, to stop Hell before it once
again reached Earth--this time, for the last time.
The puzzle was starting to fit together; there were simply far too many
Former Humans and Sargeants around, which meant that some of them, at least,
were already here. That meant that U.A.C had made some sort of arrangement
with the forces of Hell! What the reasons could possibly be was beyond you,
but you weren't leaving until you had finished the mission, which was a plain
old-fashioned preemptive strike!
Checking your weaponry and cuurent supply of bullets, shells, et cetera,
you vowed to blow everything straight back to Hell on your way to the end of
the line. You had just rendered Operations dysfunctional, and then had a
short stop at the Way Station, where you decisively whacked a lot of guys.
Now you dust off the remains of your armor as you stride into the teleporter
and zap into...you don't know, actually, but you didn't come this far to
get slagged now! As you materialize, you hear the breathing of old friends.
The Cyberdemon and his two slagged Spiders lay at your feet, mangled
masses of metal and demonic muscle--the general and his commanders, dead.
But that, from what you figured, couldn't be the last of it; you'd seen
enough from these bastards to know! Somewhere, the head of it all, the
one who had given the general his command, sat brooding over a minor defeat
at your hands.
As you step toward the exit of the Palace, you stop, noticing... amidst
the pulp of the dead General lay a glowing green gem, big and mystical and
just flat oozing with evil magic. You hesitate--should you pick it up and
see what happens?--or just call it a day and head home?....
*** Personal Notes ***
"Way Out and Still Doomed" is one of a two-episode storyline intended
to take place after DOOM 2: Hell On Earth. The second episode, entitled
"The Bowls of Hell", takes up where this one left off. If you liked this
new episode and are interested in getting the next one, keep your eyes open
for it on id's BBS, Software Creations, or you can contact me at the address
given below (you can call, if you want--there is a machine). DO NOT try to
contact me via the BBS or any other electronic-mail-type system; I am
an idiot and do not know how to use them. I am, however, interested in your
comments--negative, positive, or simply constructive--so please contact me
if you have any.
I hope you enjoyed "Way Out and Still DOOMED!"
Jonathan "Shotgun" Wood
c/o Winged Panther Creations
360 River Bend
Riverside, AL 35135
(205) 338-6839